Happy (Part-3)
'That's a rabbit.' Moin said.
'It is so beautiful!' Happy jumped up.
'Shh!' Moin hushed. 'You are making much noise.'
'Oops!' he said.
The rabbit chewed the last bite of his breakfast and burped. Happy gave a pleasing look to Moin. A plantlet appeared near the rabbit's tail. The rabbit's yawn had a special place in Moin's heart. Suddenly, the rabbit's ears pricked up. He started running from a particular direction.
'It's the hunters.' Moin warned. 'Come with me, Happy.'
'Okay.' Happy followed.
After reaching home, Moin climbed the roof and spread some branches all over the treehouse.
'Who are they?' Happy asked struggling to sit on chair.
'Hunters!' he replied. 'They kill animals and sell their body parts.'
'They kill animals?' Happy's worried look worried Moin.
'Don't worry,' Moin peeped out of the window, 'we are safe.'
'Only WE are safe.' Happy raised his voice. 'What about the animals?'
'I AM worried about them,' Moin slumped in chair, 'but I cannot do anything. I am helpless.'
'Our friends have got right to live.' Happy said. 'Why do humans interfere?'
'I know,' Moin said, 'but this is the way things are. Long ago, this place was a paradise for us. You could go anywhere you thought of going. There were no hunters. But with the fleeing of time, there came a haunting night. Nature broke her meditation when a loud banging sound filled the air. All the birds flew away, and it meant only one thing—hunters. All the animals hid themselves. Most of them were able to hide in the shawls of darkness, but some had met a terrible fate. My best friend, Zoe. He was a fawn. He died.'
Happy looked into his eyes, and he saw darkness, hopelessness and despondency. Moin moved his face in another direction in the fear Happy might notice. Happy had noticed that anyway.
'I understand.' Happy spoke. 'But we can't let them ruin our lives. They need to learn a lesson.'
'No Happy,' Moin interrupted, 'we can't.'
'I don't know anything.' Happy pushed him doorwards. 'Go and talk to them.'
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